The Security Clinic
The Cloud Clinic

The Cloud Clinic: Your questions answered
From security to stability, from migration to cost via artificial intelligence workloads – the questions asked on a very first Cloud Clinic video were many and varied. Drawing on a panel of experts from Intel, UKFast, and UKCloud, we sought out practical answers.
Watch VideoWith special thanks to:
The Cloud Complexity Imperative
Why Organizations Must Unify and Simplify the Management of Their Sprawling Multicloud Environments
A benchmark study about streamlining cloud management, including an in-depth look at why organizations must unify and simplify the management of their sprawling multi-cloud environment.
By Adam DeMattia, Director of Research; Mark Bowker, Senior Analyst; Scott Sinclair, Senior Analyst February 2020
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Working Remotely
Strategies & best practices that keep the workforce connected
June 2020
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Cloud Clinic Reader Survey
We surveyed our readers to ask what their main concerns and considerations were when it comes to cloud computing. These questions will form the basis of a discussion group we are running with Intel and partners, coming soon. Keep a eye on this hub for the launch of that video recording. This is what we found:
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Data Center Strategy Leading Intel's Business Transformation
Intel IT runs Intel data center services like a factory, affecting change in a disciplined manner and applying breakthrough technologies, solutions, and processes. This enables us to optimally meet Intel's business requirements while providing our internal customers with effective data center infrastructure capabilities and innovative business services.
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Artificial Intelligence in the Cloud: The perfect match?
Jon Berstein interviews Chris Feltham, Industry Technology Specialist, Cloud Service Providers, Intel
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Artificial Intelligence in the Cloud: The perfect match?
Jon Berstein interviews Dr Chris Folkerd, Director of Enterprise Technology, UKFast
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Cloud adoption: Myth and reality
Jon Berstein interviews Iain Beckingham, UK Enterprise Sales Director & UK CTO, Intel UK
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Cloud adoption: Myth and reality
Jon Berstein interviews Ross Pedder and Guy Smith from CDW UK
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Meeting Demand with Cloud Solutions & DaaS
Learn how emerging CSP services and collaboration tools can provide better user experiences, how you can address infrastructure scalability and availability, how a cloud-native architecture can benefit business, and how Intel can help in your journey.
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Intel IT is Leading Digital Transformation
Intel IT is combining technology, processes, and people to solve critical business problems and provide substantial value to the enterprise.
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Intel IT is Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence
We are at the center of expanding artificial intelligence and machine learning across Intel, helping the company tap into the power of data to improve its analytics capabilities and boost competitive advantage with actionable insights.
Watch VideoThe future of cloud, true hybrid platforms can provide future-proof flexibility
The key driver for the shift to cloud-based computing is no longer cost, it is speed. Ever faster software deployment and agile development models mean business can create, test and deploy new products far faster than was possible in the past.
For many companies this is a vital requirement of keeping up with the competition and with demands of customers for ever better services. But working at that speed requires infrastructure which can react in step with software.